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What does it mean for a company to be Diamond Certified?

Rather than being customer initiated reviews, Diamond Certification is obtained by first passing a rigorous credential-based rating system and then maintained by keeping a 90 (out of 100) or higher score in both quality and expertise, which is scored by surveying a random sample of customers. These results are then published by Diamond Certified on their report pages, which you can see here.

What is the Diamond Certified Performance Guarantee?

If your service expectation is unmet or maybe there’s a simple misunderstanding, Diamond Certified will act as a mediator to help you reach a positive agreement. If an agreement can’t be made, Diamond Certified will refund you up to $1,000 of your purchase price. Details on this performance guarantee can be found here.

Ready to get your service started? Just contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at 925-550-0505 or Click HERE to schedule an appointment.